Critical Thinking 
Philosophy 110
(Phil 11 at LBCC)

Assigned Work

Homework Assignments

PHIL 11, LBCC, 30087


Argumentative Paper Assignment

Sample of an argument analysis paper

Professor Pimentel's Chapter Two Self-Assessment


Guidelines for the Optional Assignment


Past Assignments

Chapter One Activity: Several years ago Lawrence Summers made several comments about male and female differences that caused a controversy. Either do research on your own, or analyze the following essays relating to the episode. Write at least one page connecting the issue, the reaction to the issue, or something in the two essays here that relates to something you learned in chapter one.

Essay One

Essay Two

Fallacies Assignment: Find fallacies in the included passage. Look in the column itself and in the comments section. Justify your answers.

Logic Assignment: Evaluate each of the arguments, first deciding whether the arguments are deductive or inductive.