Introduction to Logic
Philosophy 12
(Phil 3 at IVC)
 Advice From My Previous Students

I figure I can give you all sorts of advice to help you succeed in my class, but I think you might get better advice from other students who have already taken my class, and you might be more inclined to accept it!

Miriam de la Vega
Long Beach City College
Ieng Cheang
Long Beach City College

Tatiana Reeves
Long Beach City College

Miriam de la Vega
Ieng Cheang
Tatiana Reeves
  Always do the homework assignments. It might be tempting not to do the assigned work since Mr. Monge won't let missed homework affect a student's grade negatively, but it is almost guaranteed that you will fall behind  without doing the homework. Furthermore, it is imperative to attend class on a regular basis. Mr. Monge explains everything very well. The book can be quite confusing at times, but Mr. Monge really knows how to explain the material to the students. Aske questions if you don't understand; he will help. Good Luck   Studying frequently and attending class regularly will improve your chances of passing Mr. Monge's awesome class.   First of all, do your homework. Download the Logic Coach program from the website. It helps a lot! It helps to browse the material before class, but Mr. Monge is very good at delivering the material so if you pay attention and participate, you should be fine. Most of all, enjoy! Logic is a very interesting class and one of the few you can actually use outside the classroom.

I can tell you all sorts of things to help you in this course, but I figure you might get better advice from other students who have taken my course, and you might be more inclined to listen to it!