1. It is a fundamental injustice for one person or group to impose his morality on another person. That is why it is so wrong for the government to ban gay marriages, because it forces some people to accept the morality of a different group. We have a name for a government that tries to impose morality on its citizens: fascist.
If we think about it, some people think it is morally wrong to pay someone less than a minimum wage. To do so is to be excessively greedy and insensitive. Yet, for the government to force any citizen to pay more than this, or any arbitrary amount, is to impose one version of morality on everyone else. To do so would be just as wrong as forcing homosexuals to not have sex or not allowing them to form life-long partnerships. Everyone who supports minimum wage laws is trying to impose their view of morality on everyone else in society, and so, for this very reason, anyone who supports minimum wage laws supports a fascist government.
2. What does it mean to be a slave? Nothing more than not being able to make decisions about one’s own life for oneself. A slave is someone who has his decisions made for him by another person or group by the threat of force. A free man is one who can make decisions for himself without the repercussion of violence against him. One of the most private decisions a man can make is how much assistance to give his fellow man. Should he only give charity to his friends and family, or does he owe moral and financial support to every stranger in need?
With this in mind, consider the taxes which our government collects and hands out again in welfare payments. No American has the choice whether to pay or not to pay these taxes. Some other person or group has decided for each of us that we will pay some of our income to provide charitable support for other people, nearly all of whom are strangers to us. Try to avoid paying these taxes, and you will soon see how much force the government will use against you to compel you to pay. How can anyone draw any conclusion other than the conclusion that we are all slaves to our own government?
3. Fifty years ago, homosexuals were considered immoral by the vast majority of people. They were condemned and not allowed to live ordinary lives. That is why today most compassionate people think that the doors should be opened up for homosexuals to serve without discrimination in the military and in every other profession. Yet, today, homosexuals are not widely discriminated against. In our society, we target a different group, and try to shame them out of their beliefs: racists.
We treat racists today pretty much the same way that homosexuals were treated fifty years ago. They are shunned and ridiculed, attacked and considered beneath respect. I think it is about time that someone stands up for racists, and calls for society to end the discrimination against them. That would truly put someone on the cutting edge of the civil rights movement.