Critical Reasoning and Writing Paper Your job for this paper is to impress me with your knowledge of logic. Show me that you have learned something in my class, and that you can apply it in some situation which I have not simply handed to you. Your assignment is to analyze and evaluate an argument. Take an argument in a natural environment, by which I mean one which is not constructed to demonstrate a fallacy or for a classroom exercise. You should find one in a book, a newspaper, or magazine, or online (be careful about online arguments. They should come from serious websites). Your project needs a cover page, and then should include the following: One page with the argument printed as you find it. There should be a physical copy of the argument included in your paper.One page with the argument listed in standard form and/or diagrammed Three to four pages of analysis and evaluation. I am expecting a fairly detailed critique. In general, you should make a judgment about the validity or strength of the argument, as well as the soundness or cogency. The rest of your paper should defend your judgment with reasoning. Click here to see a sample of a paper that meets these guidlelines (Note that the original argument is not included in this sample). Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins, a 12 point readable font. The source of your argument should be clearly identified, and if any outside sources are used in your analysis or evaluation, they should also be cited.
Grading: In general, an “A” paper is complete and
meets all guidelines given. It will look
professional, and will not have any major errors or mistakes. It
will have a clearly stated thesis which has the appropriate scope for a
paper of this size, and it will have clear reasoning which makes a
strong case, without any fallacies or gaps in reasoning. A project
which is deficient in any of these
areas may receive a “B.” A project which
is deficient in any two areas may receive a “C.” A
“D” will be given to any paper with a major
deficiency in any one area, or minor deficiencies in all areas. Generally, an “F” will be given to an
incomplete paper, or one which has major deficiencies in multiple
areas. |